Single Communication Tariff Act

Petitioner not public
Petition is directed to
Kummissjoni Ewropea
0 supporters 0 in European Union

Petition process is finished

0 supporters 0 in European Union

Petition process is finished

  1. Launched 2012
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted
  4. Dialogue
  5. Finished

This is an European Citizens' Initiative.

Rata fissa kull xahar - għal xhur - fi ħdan il-komunikazzjoni - unjoni ewropea. l – ghan huwa li ma jkunx hemm aktar tariffi zejda fl –Ewropa. Jitneħħew it-'roaming fees' kollha mill-ewwel, bis –suq imsemmi jsir wiehed komuni ghal – konsumaturi kollha.

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