Région: Youngstown

Help Us Save Lighthouse!

La pétition est adressée à
Head Principal Catherine Dorbish and Austintown Township, Ohio
162 Soutien
32% atteint 500 objectifs de collecte
162 Soutien
32% atteint 500 objectifs de collecte
  1. Lancé 29/03/2024
  2. Recueillir > 3 semaines
  3. Soumission
  4. Dialogue avec le destinataire
  5. Décision

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The Lighthouse program is so important and beneficial to autistic students who are unable to thrive in larger sized classrooms. The small student to teacher/parapro ratio is detrimental to their success and chances of progression. Austintown schools do NOT provide enough staff/classroom help to ensure students on an IEP get the additional help and support they need. Taking away Lighthouse is setting up autistic individuals who require more 1:1 attention for automatic failure/regression.

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