
Help Us Save Lighthouse!

Η αναφορά απευθύνεται σε
Head Principal Catherine Dorbish and Austintown Township, Ohio
162 Υποστηρικτικό
32% έχει επιτευχθεί 500 για τον στόχο της συλλογής
162 Υποστηρικτικό
32% έχει επιτευχθεί 500 για τον στόχο της συλλογής
  1. Ξεκίνησε 29/3/2024
  2. Συλλογή ακόμα 4 εβδομάδες
  3. Υποβολή
  4. Διαλόγο με τον παραλήπτη
  5. Απόφαση

Συμφωνώ ότι τα δεδομένα μου θα αποθηκευτούν . Εγώ αποφασίζω ποιος μπορεί να δει την υποστήριξή μου. Μπορώ να ανακαλέσω αυτήν τη συγκατάθεση ανά πάσα στιγμή .


Because all children matter and not every child falls into the main stream population. Children with special circumstances deserve the right to learn in an environment that is in a matter that allows them to have a chance.

στον/-ην/-ο 30.03.2024

These children need these services, especially this class with these teachers, to continue to develop to their maximum potential. Ending this class will actually cause these children to regress in many ways, further compromising their ability to achieve their maximum success.

στον/-ην/-ο 30.03.2024

My daughter is a student in the classroom and she wakes up everyday looking forward to going to school! She LOVES her classroom and the setup and the way they do things the way they are. I'm not sure how changing it will affect her. I fear it will directly affect her passion for school. And why just lighthouse? Why just our Classroom?

στον/-ην/-ο 29.03.2024

My amazing niece is part of this lighthouse program. She needs structure like this and support from her school in order to help her archieve her educational needs. Even with this program her and her classmates have been cast aside from others, what is to become of them if programs like this are not available? Most likely they will be neglected even further. All students need help and I hope this program does not go away so that these kids can get the aide and help they need/deserve.

στον/-ην/-ο 29.03.2024

It is important that evwryoje in our community, especially children, have the tools tbey need to thrive. To eliminate such an important program is setting the children, and future children, in our community to suffer and not shine to their fullest potential. This program has has many children including one who is near and dear to myself.

στον/-ην/-ο 29.03.2024

Although my granddaughter is not in Lighthouse she's an open enrollment at Austintown schools. My oldest daughter who is now 39 years old went all through school in Austintown and was in Special Needs classes all through school. I don't know where she would be today if it wasn't for the love and support she got from her teachers and those special classes. She lives on her own independently today. Anyone who has a special needs child understands that the need for this program is overwhelmingly High, and to take it away it is the worst thing you could do for those children and the parents. Those teachers are the most loving caring teachers and they give their all for those students. My daughter will be signing and I'm going to have everyone I know many of my friends who are in Austintown and have students in the Austintown Schools sign this petition as well I will be sharing this on my own Facebook page.

στον/-ην/-ο 29.03.2024

I don't have a child in this class, but if I did, I would want them to have as much support and opportunity as every other child. It's important to make Austintown an inclusive district so that all children feel heard. Shame on the district for removing the one small resource they have for special needs children. Do better Austintown.

Περισσότερα για αυτό το θέμα Παιδεία

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240 Υπογραφές
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