
No Helicopter Tours Near Homes On North Beach

Petitionen behandles
Paulette Guajardo
67 Støttende
13% nået 500 til indsamlingsdestination
67 Støttende
13% nået 500 til indsamlingsdestination
  1. Startede 06-04-2024
  2. Samling stadig > 4 uger
  3. Indsendelse
  4. Dialog med modtageren
  5. Beslutning

Jeg accepterer, at mine data vil blive gemt . Jeg bestemmer, hvem der kan se min støtte. Jeg kan tilbagekalde dette samtykke til enhver tid .


I like so many others, live full-time on the beach and the sound of a helicopter in and out and overhead seems like way more traffic than we need in our skies. We already have a lot of planes that fly over but they're sporadic. They're not conditioned to do it multiple times a day. I guess the question would be would you put this two blocks from your house?

Hjælp med til at styrke borgerdeltagelse. Vi ønsker at gøre dine bekymringer hørt, mens du forbliver uafhængig.

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