Région: États-Unis
Politique étrangère

Calling on the US government to seek a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas

La pétition est adressée à
President of the United States, Members of the US House and Senate, US Department of State
22 Soutien

Collecte terminée

22 Soutien

Collecte terminée

  1. Lancé octobre 2023
  2. Collecte terminée
  3. Préparer la soumission
  4. Dialogue avec le destinataire
  5. Décision

We the undersigned express our support of the statement by Jewish Peace Fellowship (https://humanistictorah.org/JPF/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/JPF-statement-about-war-in-Israel-and-Gaza-October-27-2023.pdf), particularly these points of action:

  1. We call for an immediate ceasefire in Israel and Gaza.
  2. We call for negotiations and prisoner exchanges to secure the freedom of those unjustly held in Gaza and in Israel.
  3. We call for an immediate end to the Israeli siege of Gaza so that needed water, food, fuel, and medicine can be received.
  4. We call for the state of Israel to respect the right of conscientious objectors to refuse to serve in the IDF.
  5. We urge diasporic Jews to support Palestinian and Israeli peace activists and to use our voices to call on our own governments to support a just and peaceful settlement.
  6. We urge all people to speak out with clarity against Islamophobia and Antisemitism.

In signing this petition, we ask our elected members of the US House, Senate, and the President to take action in support of the peace process and to put pressure on the state of Israel and Hamas to bring about an immediate ceasefire.


More information on the underlying statement behind this petition can be found at: https://humanistictorah.org/JPF/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/JPF-statement-about-war-in-Israel-and-Gaza-October-27-2023.pdf

Merci pour votre soutien, Jewish Peace Fellowship de Piedmont, OK
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