
Demand the NC Department of Health address the dangerous work conditions at FCI Butner, NC

Suzzanne Monk
Dilekçe yönlendirildi
North Carolina Department of Health
0 Destekleyici
0% ulaştı 500 koleksiyon hedefi için
0 Destekleyici
0% ulaştı 500 koleksiyon hedefi için
  1. Başladı 22.04.2024
  2. Henüz koleksiyon > 6 hafta
  3. Gönderim
  4. Alıcı ile iletişim kutusu
  5. Karar

verilerimin olarak saklanacağını kabul ediyorum. Desteğimi kimin görebileceğine ben karar veririm. Bu onayı istediğim zaman iptal edebilirim .


We, the undersigned North Carolina residents, demand that the North Carolina Health Department conduct a thorough inspection of the federal detention facility FCI Butner in Butner, NC, to determine if NC residents working at this facility are being endangered by the deteriorating and dilapidated conditions that include black mold, brown water, foundation leakage, ceiling crumbling and recently collapsing, causing large sections of ductwork to crash to the floor.

These conditions are a danger to the residents of NC who work there, and a danger to their families.
The North Carolina Department of Health must assert it's authority to ensure the safety of North Carolina residents and demand that the Bureau of Prisons either rectify these dangerous conditions immediately, or close the facility until it can become safe, and must compensate NC residents employed by the facility that could be displaced by the closure for any lost work or relocation.


The federal Bureau of Prisons is endangering the workers who are employed at FCI Butner, and well as the inmates in its care there. The toxic work environment is a danger to workers and their families, and serious injury is possible as the building continues to crumble.

Desteğiniz ve angajmanınız için çok teşekkür ediyoruz , Suzzanne Monk itibaren Washington, DC
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