44 signatures
Petition is addressed to: Kalamazoo government
For years speeding and not stopping for the cross walkers on Lovers lane infront of Milwood Elementary has been a consistent and dangerous issue. Our cross walkers put their lives on the line to protect parents and students crossing Lovers Lane. There has been numerous times where the cross walkers have been hit and injuries have occurred. Parents and cross walkers are fed up. People need to be accountable and the city needs to make more changes than simply putting up yellow signs and flags. I recommend speed bumps. They have been placed in other school zones and have proven to slow down traffic and making it safer for walkers and cross walkers alike.
My concern is the safety of the cross-walkers, and parents and students alike. This has been an ongoing issue for years. I personally and other parents have witnessed the cross-walkers, putting themselves on the line to protect us as walkers to get to our students to Millwood elementary and in the process of doing so they’ve gotten hit or sideswiped or even been, in altercations of road rages of drivers not wanting to obey or care of the safety of us and cross-walkers.
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Kalamazoo County
Traffic & transportation
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My daughter and I use the cross walk on lovers lane every day to get to her school. There have been multiple occasions where I have feared for not only our safety but the crossing guard as well with people speeding and not paying attention. It’s scary and more safety measures need to be implemented for everyone’s well being.
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We need speed bumps for the one's who like speeding