
Record Integrity

Petition is addressed to
Open Powerlifting & RPS

117 signatures

Collection finished

117 signatures

Collection finished

  1. Launched January 2024
  2. Collection finished
  3. Prepare submission
  4. Dialog with recipient
  5. Decision

Petition is addressed to: Open Powerlifting & RPS

We’re requesting signatures to show support in overturning a deadlift world record that was taken dishonestly to maintain the integrity of out sport.


Outside of a unified federation and set of standards, the lack of integrity surrounding World Records is the biggest thing holding our sport back from what we all know it can be. To move forward, we need to put our foot’s down as a community to show, in solidarity, that we don’t stand behind records taken illegitimately. If you agree, please sign your name to this petition.

Thank you for your support, John Kaufman from Chicago
Question to the initiator

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Petition details

Petition started: 01/30/2024
Petition ends: 04/30/2024, 23:59 CDT
Region: United States of America
Topic: Sports

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