12/16/2024, 23:10
Dear supporters of 'No' to El Rancho QuikTrip #4288,
We have continued to engage in public outreach throughout the fall, and have generated recent media coverage as well (see www.save-el-rancho-campaign.com/elrancho.html). The petition now has more than 1600 supporters, and we will send another batch of signatures to QuikTrip soon.
This note is to invite you to join a group photo in front of El Rancho for an article by the Colorado Sun. The photo will be at about 10 a.m. on Tuesday 12/17. For those of you who live in or near Evergreen, if you are able to please attend.
Thank you, and happy holidays!
The Save El Rancho Campaign
Evergreen, Colorado
11/21/2024, 17:30
Dear supporters of 'No' to QuikTrip,
We have already sent three batches of signatures to QuikTrip leadership and real estate management. As the time has grown short, your signatures have continued to come in. We plan to send another batch to QuikTrip on 11/25.
We will send updates (like this one) specifically related to this petition through the petition site itself. If you would like to receive news regarding development proposals affecting the future of the El Rancho neighborhood and the entrance to Evergreen, including community meeting, outreach, and public comment opportunities, please visit www.save-el-rancho-campaign.com/support.html and use the form to sign up.
Thank you again for interest and concern for the future of El Rancho.
The Save El Rancho Campaign
Evergreen, Colorado
11/01/2024, 16:31
Dear supporters of the Save El Rancho Campaign,
Today, we sent a final batch of signatures to QuikTrip leadership and real estate management. Your 1247 signatures and 773 comments overwhelmingly show that our community rejects this proposal to replace the El Rancho Colorado building with their proposed truck stop. Thank you again for your support!
The Save El Rancho Campaign
Evergreen, Colorado
10/31/2024, 23:27
We have completed our collection of signatures to send directly to QuikTrip on 11/1/2024, but are leaving the petition open in response to ongoing interest in this threat to our neighborhood and to enable others in our community to contribute their opinions. Thank you.
New deadline: 28.02.2025
Signatures at the time of the change: 1247
10/10/2024, 09:55
Press review by openPetition
10/08/2024, 17:58
We are extending the time frame further to engage supporters through upcoming media coverage and meetings.
New deadline: 31.10.2024
Signatures at the time of the change: 1137
09/27/2024, 16:33
People have continued to sign even after we announced submitting the petition, and we are anticipating media exposure that may lead to additional signatures that we will later submit to the County if this proposal advances.
New deadline: 10.10.2024
Signatures at the time of the change: 1054
09/26/2024, 00:21
Chet Cadieux, CEO
Jim Denny, VP Marketing
Paula Cotter, VP Finance
Gina Hitz, VP Technology
Aisha Jefferson, Media
Jeff Babb, Ryan Harding, Craig Romrell, Real Estate
Dear QuikTrip leadership:
The mountain residential community of Evergreen, Colorado, does not want or need your proposed facility #4288 and the impacts it would bring to roadways and surrounding rural neighborhoods.
You say in your pre-application:
"QuikTrip prides itself on its relations with its customers and the surrounding community."
If you are not just a corporate bully focused on money above all, here is your chance to stand behind those words.
We are pleased to present you with this petition, including 1042 signatures and 651 comments collected in just the last four weeks, resoundingly asking you to move on.
Attached are the signatures and comments, and I provide here a link to the online petition, 'No' to El Rancho QuikTrip #4288
We ask you to review these comments and understand, unequivocally, that El Rancho is not the place for you. Please find another location for your project.
Thank you.
The Save El Rancho Campaign
Evergreen, Colorado
09/08/2024, 00:24
Hello, and THANK YOU to everyone who has joined our petition opposing the destruction of El Rancho and construction of a QuikTrip truck stop in its place. We have almost 700 signatures (you) and over 400 comments from the Evergreen community, foothills, and West Metro area, in addition to several from farther away.
As the County's first review of the pre-application will likely conclude next week, we are planning to send the petition to QuikTrip this coming week, as well. The petition will remain open to collect signatures for future submission to Jefferson County, but for now we are aiming at the root of the question: QuikTrip.
We know that there are still neighbors who are not aware of what is proposed on Evergreen's doorstep. So that the community voice is loud and clear, I'm writing today to ask that you talk to your neighbors, forward to friends, and help spread the word about the proposed development that would rob Evergreen of an irreplaceable historical asset, taint our scenic corridor, and burden the everyday life of our community with traffic, noise, and light pollution concentrated on US 40.
Here is the link to the petition:
We will keep you updated on this effort.
Thank you again, from the Save El Rancho Campaign