The Directors of Friends of Charlotte, Inc. have decided it is in the best interest of the Petition and our movement to shorten the language of the last element to state "creates a Planning Commission composition with equal representation for the (3) most rural districts of Wylliesburg/Red Oak (District B); Cullen/Red House (District E); and Bacon/Saxe (District G) " based on recent analysis of the Planning Commission's composition. Reasonable minds would agree that the Planning Commission composition should mirror that of each of the other arms of Charlotte County, VA's local government with (7) members total.
We have received consent from to make this change for the benefit of our efforts. An electronic copy has been included throughout our social media feeds.
Yours truly,
Daniel W. Dixon,
Friends of Charlotte, Inc.
Please see January 30th email exchange with Cai & Dóra:
Upon further study of the issue of the composition of our local planning commission, our group feels strongly that it is in the best interest of the citizens to reduce the number of members on the planning commission to (7) - consistent with each of the other three governing bodies being represented by one member from each of the seven Voting Districts - rather than increasing it to (14). As such, we would like to seek pre-approval to shorten the last element to state the following:
creates a Planning Commission composition with equal representation for the (3) most rural districts of Wylliesburg/Red Oak (District B); Cullen/Red House (District E); and Bacon/Saxe (District G)
In shortening the petition element language, the Board of Supervisors has the ability to either reduce or increase the total number of members to equalize representation
New petition description:
Charlotte County, VA is in danger of being further blighted by unbridled utility-scale solar development. While 7,500 acres has already been approved for Conditional Use by the local governing body, there has been a resurgence within the county government to significantly enlarge the already immense development campaign for utility scale solar. While 2.56% of the total land mass of the county has been approved for development, a recent Planning Commission recommendation would double the saturation to a total of nearly 15,000 acres! The additional 2.44% will make room for another roughly 7,500 acres of development — most of which would be parcels in the 50-acre range in your backyard in the form of as many as 100 or more projects scattered throughout the county.
Concerned residents, landowners, and taxpayers are encouraged to add their names to this important cause to protect and defend our rural communities and petition the Board of Supervisors to bring an end and possible reduction to the footprint of the ever-increasing industrial solar complex that will forever plague the place we all love and call home.
Petitioners further affix their signatures and full support to the Letter of Petition to be presented to the Board as more particularly set forth below:
Chairman of the Board of Supervisors
County of Charlotte, VA
250 LeGrande Ave, Suite A
Charlotte Court House, VA 23923
Dear Honorable Chairman and Esteemed Members of the Board:
Friends of Charlotte, Inc. seeks to compel the Board of Supervisors to bring an end to enlarging the ever-increasing local solar development footprint in order to safeguard Charlotte County, Virginia’s rural agricultural communities, its lands, its waters, and natural sanctity of its forests. This petition is based on overwhelming concern that Charlotte County citizens have expressed to our organization. As represented by the signatures of Charlotte County residents, landowners, and taxpayers affixed hereto, affected citizens are answering the call to preserve the integrity of our farmlands, forests, surrounding wildlife, and soil, water, and air quality.
We hereby petition the local governing body to effectuate measures to manifest the Adoption of an Amended Comprehensive Plan and any Zoning Ordinance or Code which:
i) preserves our primary agricultural and rural values, as well as, related historic preservation and tourism initiatives;
ii) includes minimal Comprehensive Plan updates (as opposed to a completely New Plan) and clearly displays any suggested changes for ample public consumption;
iii) clearly includes a saturation cap on solar development of 1% of the total eligible land acreage throughout the county, but with an allowance to develop up to 2.56% (an additional 1.56%) of the same land throughout to construct projects to which the County has already been obligated by the Board of Supervisors unless any previously approved project does not come to fruition, in which case the aforementioned allowance will diminish;
iv) clearly states that any new projects considered for solar development within the 1% saturation cap shall be "community/shared type projects" equal to or less than 25 acres in size; be no closer than 2 miles apart; include enhanced zoning requirements of increased setbacks and mandates for the planting of aesthetically pleasing native trees in buffers; and not be approved to the objection of any adjacent land owner;
v) clearly states that all future solar and energy storage projects will only be permitted in Industrial Zones and managed under the authority of the Industrial Development Authority in a way that benefits the County financially equal or superior to any developer to which such a project is awarded; and
vi) creates a Planning Commission composition with equal representation for the (3) most rural districts of Wylliesburg/Red Oak (District B); Cullen/Red House (District E); and Bacon/Saxe (District G) that is accomplished by adding (1) additional member for each of the respective districts thereby bringing the total number of members to (14) while maintaining compliance with Code of Virginia § 15.2-2212. G).
Faithfully brought forth on behalf of this and every Petitioner,
Daniel Weston Dixon
Friends of Charlotte, Inc.
New deadline: 13.03.2024 Signatures at the time of the change: 140
Please join Friends of Charlotte at 6:30 PM on Wednesday, January 10th at Cullen Volunteer Fire Department to further discuss the important work we are doing to Save Our Farms!
Again edited for clarity and added bold on certain words for emphasis.
New petition description:
Charlotte County, VA is in danger of being further blighted by unbridled utility-scale solar development. While 7,500 acres has already been approved for Conditional Use by the local governing body, there has been a resurgence within the county government to significantly enlarge the already immense development campaign for utility scale solar. While 2.56% of the total land mass of the county has been approved for development, a recent Planning Commission recommendation would double the saturation to a total of nearly 15,000 acres! The additional 2.44% will make room for another roughly 7,500 acres of development —most— most of which would be parcels in the 50-acre range in your backyard in the form of as many as 100 or more projects scattered throughout the county.
Concerned residents, landowners, and taxpayers are encouraged to add their names to this important cause to protect and defend our rural communities and petition the Board of Supervisors to bring an end and possible reduction to the footprint of the ever-increasing industrial solar complex that will forever plague the place we all love and call home.
Petitioners further affix their signatures and full support to the Letter of Petition to be presented to the Board as more particularly set forth below:
Chairman of the Board of Supervisors
County of Charlotte, VA
250 LeGrande Ave, Suite A
Charlotte Court House, VA 23923
Dear Honorable Chairman and Esteemed Members of the Board:Board:
In response and overwhelming concern to the unbridled utility-scale solar development plans taking place in Charlotte County, VA, the
Friends of Charlotte, Inc. by its many members and additional supporters seeks to compel the Board of Supervisors to bring an end and even a reduction by ordinance or statute to theenlarging footprint of thethe ever-increasing local industrial solar complexdevelopment footprint in order to safeguard Charlotte County, Virginia’sVirginia’s rural agricultural communities, its lands, its waters, and natural sanctity of its forests. This petition is based on overwhelming concern that Charlotte County citizens have expressed to our organization. As represented by the signatures of Charlotte County residents, landowners, and taxtaxpayers payers affixedaffixed hereto, affected citizens are answering the call to preserve the integrity of our farmland,farmlands, forests,forests, surrounding wildlife, and soil, water, and air qualityquality. while also advocating for energy and economic interest alternatives to utility-scale energy development.
We hereby petition the local governing bodybody to effectuate ample measures to manifest the Adoption of an Amended Comprehensive Plan andand any subsequentZoning Ordinance or StatuteCode which which:
i) preserves Charlotte'sour primary agricultural, silviculture,agricultural and rural valuesvalues, as well asas, related historichistoric preservation and tourism initiatives; initiatives;
ii) includes minimal updates required by the Code of Virginia using the research compiled during the new 2023 Comprehensive Plan Draftupdates preparation(as (includedopposed into itsa Appendixcompletely asNew appropriate)Plan) whichand clearly displays any suggested changes for ample public consumption; consumption;
iii) clearly includes a saturation cap on solar development of 1% of the total eligibleeligible land densityacreage throughout the county, but with an allowance to develop up to 2.56% (an additional 1.56%) of the same land throughout to construct projects toto which the County has already been obligated by the Board of Supervisors unless anyany previously approved project does not come to fruition, in which case thethe aforementioned allowance will diminish; diminish;
iv) clearly states that any new projects considered for solar development within thethe 1% density saturation cap shall be "community/shared type projects" equal to or lessless than 25 acres in size,size; be no closer than 2 miles apart,apart; withinclude enhanced zoningzoning requirements includingof increased setbacks and mandates for the plantationplanting of estheticallyaesthetically pleasing native species trees in vegetativebuffers; buffers,and not be approved for Conditional Use to the objection of any adjacentadjacent land owner; owner;
v) clearly states that all future solar and energy storage projects will only bebe permitted in Industrial Zones and managed under the authority of the IndustrialIndustrial Development Authority in a way that benefits the County financially equal or financiallyor superior to any developer to which such a project is awarded; andawarded; and
vi) creates a Planning Commission composition with equal representation for thethe (3) most rural districts of Wylliesburg / RedWylliesburg/Red Oak (District B); CullenCullen/Red / Red HouseHouse (District E); and Bacon / SaxeBacon/Saxe (District G) that is accomplished by adding (1) additionaladditional member for each of the respective districts thereby bringing the total numbersnumber ofof members to (14) andwhile maintaining compliance with Code of Virginia § 15.2-2212.15.2-2212.
Faithfully brought forth on behalf of this and every Petitioner,Petitioner,
grammatical errors, spelling, format, closing signature
New petition description:
Charlotte County, VA is in danger of being further blighted by unbridled utility-scale solar development. While 7,500 acres has already been approved for Conditional Use by the local governing body, there has been a resurgence within the county government to significantly enlarge the already immense development campaign for utility scale solar. While 2.56% of the total land mass of the county has been approved for development, a recent Planning Commission recommendation would double the saturation to a total of nearly 15,000 acres! The additional 2.44% will make room for another roughly 7,500 acres of development —most of which would be parcels in the 50-acre range in your backyard in the form of as many as 100 or more projects scattered throughout the county.
Concerned residents, landowners, and taxpayers are encouraged to add their names to this important cause to protect and defend our rural communities and petition the Board of Supervisors to bring an end and possible reduction to the footprint of the ever-increasing industrial solar complex that will forever plague the place we all love and call home. Petitioners further affix their signatures and full support to the Letter of Petition to be presented to the Board as more particularly set forth below:
Chairman of the Board of Supervisors
County of Charlotte, VA
250 LeGrande Ave, Suite A
Charlotte Court House, VA 23923
Dear Chairman and Esteemed Members of the Board:
In response and overwhelming concern to the unbridled utility-scale solar development plans taking place in Charlotte County, VA, the Friends of Charlotte, Inc. by its many members and additional supporters seeks to compel the Board of Supervisors to bring an end and even a reduction by ordinance or statute to the footprint of the ever-increasing local industrial solar complex in order to safeguard Charlotte County, Virginia’s rural agricultural communities, its lands, its waters, and natural sanctity of its forests.
As represented by the signatures of Charlotte County residents, landowners, and tax payers affixed hereto, affected citizens are answering the call to preserve the integrity of our farmland, forests, surrounding wildlife, and soil, water, and air quality while also advocating for energy and economic interest alternatives to utility-scale energy development.
We herbyhereby petition the local governing body to effectuate ample measures to manifest the Adoption of an Amended Comprehensive Plan and any subsequent Ordinance or Statute which i) preserves Charlotte's primary agricultural, silviculture, and rural values as well as related historic preservation and tourism initiatives; ii) includes minimal updates required by the Code of Virginia using the research compiled during the new 2023 Comprehensive Plan Draft preparation (included in its Appendix as appropriate) which clearly displays any suggested changes for ample public consumption; iii) clearly includes a saturation cap on solar development of 1% of the total eligible land density throughout the county, but with an allowance to develop up to 2.56% (an additional 1.56%) of the same land throughout to construct projects to which the County has already been obligated by the Board of Supervisors unless any previously approved project does not come to fruition, in which case the aforementioned allowance will diminish; iv) clearly states that any new projects considered for solar development within the 1% density saturation cap shall be "community/shared type projects" equal to or less than 25 acres in size, no closer thatthan 2 miles apart, with enhanced zoning requirements including increased setbacks and mandates for the plantation of esthetically pleasing native species trees in vegetative buffers, not approved for Conditional Use to the objection of any adjacent land owner; v) clearly states that all future solar and energy storage projects will only be permitted in Industrial Zones and managed under the authority of the Industrial Development Authority in a way that benefits the County financially equal or financially superior to any developer to which such a project is awarded; and vi) creates a Planning Commission composition with equal representation for the (3) most rural districts of Wylliesburg / Red Oak (District B); Cullen / Red House (District E); and Bacon / Saxe (District G) that is accomplished by adding (1) additional member for each of the respective districts thereby bringing the total numbers of members to (14) and maintaining compliance with Code of Virginia § 15.2-2212.
Faithfully brought forth on behalf of this and every Petitioner,
Edited for easier reading by inserting line breaks, bolded items, etc.
New petition description:
Charlotte County, VA is in danger of being further blighted by unbridled utility scaleutility-scale solar development. While 7,500 acres has already been approved for Conditional Use by the local governing body, there has been a resurgence within the county government to significantly enlarge the already immense development campaign for utility scale solar. While 2.56% of the total land mass of the county has been approved for development, a recent Planning Commission recommendation would double the saturation to a total of nearly 15,000 acres! The additional 2.44% will make room for another roughly 7,500 acres of development —most of which would be parcels in the 50-acre range in your backyard in the form of as many as 100 or more projects scattered throughout the county.
Concerned residents, landowners, and taxpayers are encouraged to add their names to this important cause to protect and defend our rural communities and petition the Board of Supervisors to bring an end ,andand possible reduction,reduction to the footprint of the ever-increasing industrial solar complex that will forever plague the place we all love and call home. Petitioners further affix their signatures and full support to the Letter of Petition to be presented to the Board as more particularly set forth below:
Chairman of the Board of Supervisors;Supervisors
County of Charlotte, Virginia;VA
250 LeGrande Ave, Suite A
Charlotte Court House, VA 23923;23923
Dear Chairman and Esteemed Members of the Board:
In response and overwhelming concern to the unbridled utility scaleutility-scale solar development plans taking place in Charlotte County, VA, the Friends of Charlotte, Inc. by its many members and additional supporters seeks to compel the Board of Supervisors to bring an end and even reduction,a reduction by ordinance or statute,statute to the footprint of the ever increasingever-increasing local industrial solar complex in order to safeguard Charlotte County, Virginia’s rural agricultural communities, its lands, its waters, and natural sanctity of its forests.
As represented by the signatures of Charlotte County residents, landowners, and tax payers affixed hereto, affected citizens are answering the call to preserve the integrity of our farmland, forests, surrounding wildlife, and soil, water, and air quality while also advocating for energy and economic interest alternatives to utility-scale energy development.
We herby petition the local governing body to effectuate ample measures to manifest the Adoption of an Amended Comprehensive Plan and any subsequent Ordinance or Statute which i) preserves Charlotte's primary agricultural, silviculture, and rural values as well as related historic preservation and tourism initiatives; ii) includes minimal updates required by the Code of Virginia using the research compiled during the new 2023 Comprehensive Plan Draft preparation (included in its Appendix as appropriate) which clearly displays any suggested changes for ample public consumption; iii) clearly includes a saturation cap on solar development of 1% of the total eligible land density throughout the county, but with an allowance to develop up to 2.56% (an additional 1.56%) of the same land throughout to construct projects to which the County has already been obligated by the Board of Supervisors unless any previously approved project does not come to fruition, in which case the aforementioned allowance will diminish; iv) clearly states that any new projects considered for solar development within the 1% density saturation cap shall be "community/shared type projects" equal to or less than 25 acres in size, no closer that 2 miles apart, with enhanced zoning requirements including increased setbacks and mandates for the plantation of esthetically pleasing native species trees in vegetative buffers, not approved for Conditional Use to the objection of any adjacent land owner; v) clearly states that all future solar and energy storage projects will only be permitted in Industrial Zones and managed under the authority of the Industrial Development Authority in a way that benefits the County financially equal or financially superior to any developer to which such a project is awarded; and creates a Planning Commission composition with equal representation for the (3) most rural districts of Wylliesburg / Red Oak (District B); Cullen / Red House (District E); and Bacon / Saxe (District G) that is accomplished by adding (1) additional member for each of the respective districts thereby bringing the total numbers of members to (14) and maintaining compliance with Code of Virginia § 15.2-2212.
Charlotte County, VA is in danger of being further blighted by unbridled utility scale solar development. While 7,500 acres has already been approved for Conditional Use by the local governing body, there has been a resurgence within the county government to significantly enlarge the already immense development campaign for utility scale solar. While 2.56% of the total land mass of the county has been approved for development, a recent Planning Commission recommendation would double the saturation to a total of nearly 15,000 acres! The additional 2.44% will make room for another roughly 7,500 acres of development —most of which would be parcels in the 50-acre range in your backyard in the form of
as many as 100 or more projects scattered throughout the county. Concerned residents, landowners, and taxpayers are encouraged to add their names to this important cause to protect and defend our rural communities and petition the Board of Supervisors to bring an end ,and possible reduction, to the footprint of the ever-increasing industrial solar complex that will forever plague the place we all love and call home. Petitioners further affix their signatures and full support to the Letter of Petition to be presented to the Board as more particularly set forth below:
Chairman of the Board of SupervisorsSupervisors; County of Charlotte, VirginiaVirginia; 250 LeGrande Ave, Suite A
Charlotte Court House, VA 2392323923; Dear Chairman and Esteemed Members of the Board,Board: In response and overwhelming concern to the unbridled utility scale solar development plans taking place in Charlotte County, VA, the Friends of Charlotte, Inc. by its many members and additional supporters seeks to compel the Board of Supervisors to bring an end and even reduction, by ordinance or statute, to the footprint of the ever increasing local industrial solar complex in order to safeguard Charlotte County, Virginia’s rural agricultural communities, its lands, its waters, and natural sanctity of its forests. As represented by the signatures of Charlotte County residents, landowners, and tax payers affixed hereto, affected citizens are answering the call to preserve the integrity of our farmland, forests, surrounding wildlife, and soil, water, and air quality while also advocating for energy and economic interest alternatives to utility-scale energy development. We herby petition the local governing body to effectuate ample measures to manifest the following:Adoption of an Amended Comprehensive Plan and any subsequent Ordinance or Statute:I.Statute which i) preserves Charlotte's primary agricultural, silviculture, and rural values as well as related historic preservation and tourism initiatives;II.whichii) includes minimal updates required by the Code of Virginia using the research compiled during the new 2023 Comprehensive Plan Draft preparation (included in its Appendix as appropriate) which clearly displays any suggested changes for ample public consumption;III.whichiii) clearly includes a saturation cap on solar development of 1% of the total eligible land density throughout the county, but with an allowance to develop up to 2.56% (an additional 1.56%) of the same land throughout to construct projects to which the County has already been obligated by the Board of Supervisors unless any previously approved project does not come to fruition, in which case the aforementioned allowance will diminish;IV.whichiv) clearly states that any new projects considered for solar development within the 1% density saturation cap shall be "community/shared type projects" equal to or less than 25 acres in size, no closer that 2 miles apart, with enhanced zoning requirements including increased setbacks and mandates for the plantation of esthetically pleasing native species trees in vegetative buffers, not approved for Conditional Use to the objection of any adjacent land owner; andV. whichv) clearly states that all future solar and energy storage projects will only be permitted in Industrial Zones and managed under the authority of the Industrial Development Authority in a way that benefits the County financially equal or financially superior to any developer to which such a project is awarded; VI.awarded; and creates a Planning Commission composition with equal representation for the (3) most rural districts of Wylliesburg / Red Oak (District B); Cullen / Red House (District E); and Bacon / Saxe (District G) that is accomplished by adding (1) additional member for each of the respective districts thereby bringing the total numbers of members to (14) and maintaining compliance with Code of Virginia § 15.2-2212.
Faithfully submitted on behalf of this and every Petitioner,Daniel Weston DixonChairmanFriends of Charlotte, Inc. Signatures at the time of the change: 2
Charlotte County, VA is in danger of being further blighted by unbridled utility scale solar development. While 7,500 acres has already been approved byfor Conditional Use by the local governing body, there has been a resurgence within the county government to significantly enlarge the already immense development campaign for utility scale solar. While 2.56% of the total land mass of the county has been approved for development, a recent Planning Commission recommendation would double the saturation to a total of nearly 15,000 acres! The additional 2.44% will make room for another roughly 7,500 acres of development —most of which would be parcels in the 50-acre range in your backyard in the form of
as many as 100 or more projects scattered throughout the county. Concerned residents, landowners, and taxpayers are encouraged to add their names to this important cause to protect and defend our rural communities and petition the Board of Supervisors to bring an end,end by,and ordinancepossible or statute,reduction, to the everfootprint increasingof the ever-increasing industrial solar complex that will forever plague the place we all love and call home. Petitioners further affix their signatures and full support to the Letter of Petition to be presented to the Board as more particularly set forth below:
Chairman of the Board of Supervisors
County of Charlotte, Virginia
250 LeGrande Ave, Suite A
Charlotte Court House, VA 23923
Dear Chairman and Esteemed Members of the Board,
In response and overwhelming concern to the unbridled utility scale solar development plans taking place in Charlotte County, VA, the Friends of Charlotte, Inc. by its many members and additional supporters seeks to compel the Board of Supervisors to bring an end and even reduction, by ordinance or statute, to the footprint of the ever increasing local industrial solar complex in order to safeguard Charlotte County, Virginia’s rural agricultural communities, its lands, its waters, and natural sanctity of its forests. As represented by the signatures of Charlotte County residents, landowners, and tax payers affixed hereto, affected citizens are answering the call to preserve the integrity of our farmland, forests, surrounding wildlife, and soil, water, and air quality while also advocating for energy and economic interest alternatives to utility-scale energy development. We herby petition the local governing body to effectuate ample measures to manifest the following:
Adoption of an Amended Comprehensive Plan and any subsequent Ordinance or Statute:
I. which preserves Charlotte's primary agricultural, silviculture, and rural values as well as related historic preservation and tourism initiatives;
II. which includes minimal updates required by the Code of Virginia using the research compiled during the new 2023 Comprehensive Plan Draft preparation (included in its Appendix as appropriate) which clearly displays any suggested changes for ample public consumption;
III. which clearly includes a saturation cap on solar development of 1% of the total eligible land density throughout the county, but with an allowance to develop up to 2.56% (an additional 1.56%) of the same land throughout to construct projects to which the County has already been obligated by the Board of Supervisors unless any previously approved project does not come to fruition, in which case the aforementioned allowance will diminish;
IV. which clearly states that any new projects considered for solar development within the 1% density saturation cap shall be "community/shared type projects" equal to or less than 25 acres in size, no closer that 2 miles apart, with enhanced zoning requirements including increased setbacks and mandates for the plantation of esthetically pleasing native species trees in vegetative buffers, not approved for Conditional Use to the objection of any adjacent land owner; and
V. which clearly states that all future solar and energy storage projects will only be permitted in Industrial Zones and managed under the authority of the Industrial Development Authority in a way that benefits the County financially equal or financially superior to any developer to which such a project is awarded;
VI. a Planning Commission composition with equal representation for the (3) most rural districts of Wylliesburg / Red Oak (District B); Cullen / Red House (District E); and Bacon / Saxe (District G) that is accomplished by adding (1) additional member for each of the respective districts thereby bringing the total numbers of members to (14) and maintaining compliance with Code of Virginia § 15.2-2212.
Faithfully submitted on behalf of this and every Petitioner,
Stop The Solar Land Grab! In Charlotte County, VaVA is in danger of being further blighted by unbridled utility scale solar development. While 7,500 acres has already been approved by Conditional Use by the local governing body, there has been a resurgence within the county government to significantly enlarge the already immense development campaign for utility scale solar. While 2.56% of the total land mass of the county has been approved for development, a recent Planning Commission recommendation would double the saturation to a total of nearly 15,000 acres! The additional 2.44% will make room for another roughly 7,500 acres of development —most of which would be parcels in the 50-acre range in your backyard in the form of
as many as 100 or more projects scattered throughout the county. Concerned residents, landowners, and taxpayers are encouraged to add their names to this important cause to petition the Board of Supervisors to bring an end, by ordinance or statute, to the ever increasing industrial solar complex that will forever plague the place we all love and call home.
Neue Begründung:
StopConcerned Theresidents, Solarlandowners, Landand Grab!taxpayers Inare encouraged to add their names to this important cause to petition the Board of Supervisors of Charlotte County, VaVA to safeguard Charlotte County, Virginia’s rural agricultural communities, its lands, its waters, and natural sanctity of its forests. By signing this petition, affected citizens are answering the call to preserve the integrity of our farmland, forests, surrounding wildlife, and soil, water, and air quality while also advocating for energy and economic interest alternatives to utility-scale energy development.
New deadline: 11.03.2024 Signatures at the time of the change: 2
Help us to strengthen citizen participation. We want to support your petition to get the attention it deserves while remaining an independent platform.