
Proposed School District Rezoning

Petīcija ir adresēta
Superintendent Randy Shearouse
52 Atbalstošs

Kolekcija beidzās

52 Atbalstošs

Kolekcija beidzās

  1. Sākās februāris 2024
  2. Kolekcija beidzās
  3. Sagatavojiet iesniegšanu
  4. Dialogs ar saņēmēju
  5. Lēmums

My child will have to leave the community he knows. Ardmore is 25 minutes away from us. The gas needed to make this trip twice a day in a truck would be ridiculous on one income. The alternative is a more than one hour long bus ride which I don't agree with. Our house value will be brought down. If we decide to move, no one will want our house if they have kids. No one wants to drive that far. This is the worst time to move if we wanted to be closer to Ardmore. Interest rates are sky high. The list goes on and on but these are our top reasons.

Palīdziet stiprināt pilsoņu līdzdalību. Mēs vēlamies padarīt jūsu bažas dzirdamas un palikt neatkarīgiem.

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