27 signatures
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Petition is addressed to: ATU international President Costa and the General Executive Board of ATU
We demand of the Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU):
1. Our union constitution be upheld.
2. Allow members with open grievances to pay union dues and allow us to participate in the activities of our unions.
3. Immediately follow through with the investigation of the election challenges required by our constitution and hold free and fair elections in ATU Local 241, Chicago.
July of 2024, ATU Local 241 officials refused to allow two members and candidates for office to pay their union dues or participate in mass membership meetings, even though the local has filed and keeps open grievances for their unjust terminations from the company (Chicago Transit Authority, CTA). The current officials of the Local also held an illegal vote to bar a member and candidate for President for the Local from attending any future meetings.
The standard way to begin to resolve these serious concerns is to bring them up at our official mass meetings or through elections. Among other reasons, this is why removing members’ right to pay dues or attend and participate in membership meetings is such a dangerous threat to our organization. It’s an attack on the whole of ATU and the international workers movement. We call on the International to clarify that ATU is serious about the history of lessons codified in our bylaws and constitution. We demand that it publicly denounce these attacks on our union and defend our organization. Allow members with open grievances to pay union dues and allow us to participate in the activities of our unions. Immediately follow through with the investigation of the election challenges and hold free and fair elections.
More info and full letter to ATU international here: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087615261847
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Petition details
Petition started:
Petition ends:
02/06/2025, 23:59 CST
United States of America
Civil rights
The full text of the letter sent to ATU international, including links to evidence, videos, documentation, etc can be found here: https://tinyurl.com/3k849w7v
No CONTRA argument yet.