
Exorbitant Bobby Jones greens fees for Sarasota residents

Petitie is gericht aan
Sarasota City Commissioner
55 Ondersteunend

Handtekeningeninzameling voltooid

55 Ondersteunend

Handtekeningeninzameling voltooid

  1. Begonnen november 2023
  2. Handtekeningeninzameling voltooid
  3. Overdracht voorbereiden
  4. Gesprek met ontvanger
  5. Beslissing

The residential greens fees just published for the Bobby Jones ‘municipal’ golf course are exorbitant, even with the insulting 10% residential discount.


My wife and I golf 2-4 times a week, and we cannot afford to play at the ‘new’ Bobby Jones golf course. The fees (even with the token 10% residential discount) are egregious, especially for those of us on a fixed income, even in the summer, yet it was our taxes that paid for the millions in improvements.

Bedankt voor je steun, Ronald Sanders uit Sarasota
Vraag voor de initiatiefnemer

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I have played afr excessiveup and down the easr coast and these fees are excessive. Alsp. county should get a bigger break on greens fees.

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