
Exorbitant Bobby Jones greens fees for Sarasota residents

Petycja jest adresowana do
Sarasota City Commissioner

Zbiórka zakończona


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The residential greens fees just published for the Bobby Jones ‘municipal’ golf course are exorbitant, even with the insulting 10% residential discount.


My wife and I golf 2-4 times a week, and we cannot afford to play at the ‘new’ Bobby Jones golf course. The fees (even with the token 10% residential discount) are egregious, especially for those of us on a fixed income, even in the summer, yet it was our taxes that paid for the millions in improvements.

Dziękujemy za wsparcie!, Ronald Sanders od Sarasota
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I have played afr excessiveup and down the easr coast and these fees are excessive. Alsp. county should get a bigger break on greens fees.

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