
Fully Fund the Worcester County Public School Board of Ed Budget - FY25

Petīcija ir adresēta
Worcester County Commissioners
533 Atbalstošs
53% sasniedza 1 000 kolekcijas mērķim
533 Atbalstošs
53% sasniedza 1 000 kolekcijas mērķim
  1. Sākās 2024.7.3
  2. Kolekcija vēl nav > 4 nedēļas
  3. Iesniegšana
  4. Dialogs ar saņēmēju
  5. Lēmums

Es piekrītu, ka mani dati tiks saglabāti . Es izlemju, kurš var redzēt manu atbalstu. Es jebkurā laikā varu atsaukt šo piekrišanu .


We, as constituents of Worcester County, request our elected County Commissioners to review and fully fund the FY25 proposed budget of Worcester County Public Schools Board of Education.

In order to meet the requirements of the MD Blueprint and maintain the aspects of WCPS that the parents, teachers, students, and community have said are priorities, we ask the County Commissioners to listen to the voice of their constituents and vote to fully fund the FY25 BOE Budget.

The constituents must ask their elected commissioners to vote in a manner that represents the voices of their constituents, and not the commissioners' personal feelings or agendas.

WCPS must be fully funded to continue the levels of excellence within our schools and to fund the priorities as expressed by the schools, teachers, students, and community.


  • Worcester County starting teacher salaries are the lowest of the state
  • WCPS value small classes, providing the same programs and opportunities to ALL schools in the district, including providing mental health services, along with other service resources for any and all students in need
  • WCPS students deserve fully funded enrichment programs like afterschool academy and summer academy
  • Without a fully funded budget, WCPS will have to reduce positions and available resources. This could lead to larger class sizes, reduction/elimination of enrichment programs like afterschool academy and summer academy, reduction of mental health services, and will be a detriment to the education of the students.
Paldies par atbalstu , Worcester United no Worcester County
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