Traffic & transportation

Maximum brightness of headlights

Petition is addressed to
North Dakota Department of Transportation

10 signatures

Collection finished

10 signatures

Collection finished

  1. Launched December 2023
  2. Collection finished
  3. Prepare submission
  4. Dialog with recipient
  5. Decision

Petition is addressed to: North Dakota Department of Transportation

I feel the brightness of some vehicles headlights on the road has reached an absurd level. Times I have passed a vehicle and been blinded by its headlights is beyond countable. I have had times where I could have easily hit a pedestrian simply because I was blinded by the other vehicles headlights. I have also had vehicles behind me with lights so bright that it will induce a headache and leave me with spotty vision. I think it is time to put a stop to this and limit how bright a vehicles headlights can be while they do not have their actual "bright" setting on.


I think this is an important issue simply for safety reasons. I do not feel we have to wait for something aweful to happen to put a stop to this. Safety on the road is crucial.

Thank you for your support, Quentin W Schreiner , Bismarck
Question to the initiator

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Petition details

Petition started: 12/08/2023
Petition ends: 03/08/2024
Region: North Dakota
Topic: Traffic & transportation

Not yet a PRO argument.

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