Región: Oceano

OBRA Street Petition

Petición a.
San Luis Obisbo County
16 Apoyo
3% alcanzado 500 de objetivo de la recogida
16 Apoyo
3% alcanzado 500 de objetivo de la recogida
  1. Iniciado 4/03/2024
  2. Collección más > 3 semanas
  3. Sumisión
  4. Diálogo con destinatario
  5. Decisión

Acepto que mis datos se almacenen . Yo decido quién puede ver mi apoyo. Puedo revocar este consentimiento en cualquier momento .


To Replace the old Asphalt on Strand Way


We live at, or on the coast in Oceano (just south of Pier Avenue and between Ocean Blvd. and the beach), and purchased our Beach Houses for the reason of enjoying the beach, and having safe and reasonable access to our homes.

For several years, the County of San Luis Obispo has been aware of Strand Ways deteriorating conditions and also, several years ago, had some of the major pot-holes filled by Asphalt companies. It has, and The County is well aware, that Strand Way is well beyond its ‘serviceable’ life and should have been replaced several years ago. It both represents a health and Safety concern as well as a detriment of the residents and their guest to drive upon. Let alone the County Trash, Mail services, etc. that must use this road to access the homes, and the refusal of community schools to even drive on it, etc.

We are writing this because none of the organizations has dealt with this road condition and we, as faithful, tax paying residents, wish for this small (1/4ish mile of road be replaced soon., if not already.

This has been brought to the attention, and formally discussed with members of the County of San Luis Obispo many times and officially again, as of December 11, 2023 to John Diodati (director of Public Works), as well as others of The San Luis Obispo County.

We really wish for some help in this matter, however, will do what it takes to rectify it if needed, as this cannot continue.

Thank You,

Concerned Residents of Oceano, Beachfront.

Gracias por su ayuda, Mark McGuire De. Oceano, CA
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