113 signatures
Petition is addressed to: All Tanner Employees
The pay rate, compensation, has been increased for newly hired employees while Dedicated Employees remain on the lower pay scale.
We are happy to see that Tanner is doing its part by increasing the pay to bring additional staff to their facilities because of the increased acuity of the patients, the future expansion of the hospitals, and the increase in cost of living. However, Tanner now needs to address the financial compensation of its current Dedicated Employees for the same reasons.
No matter how much you enjoy a job, it still falls back on money. This job is not a hobby, it's our career and way of living. We can't work for free or only for the interaction "with our patients and their families, and watching the magic happen when those positive outcomes roll in" (Nurse to Nurse Dec 2024, Michelle Hoehn CNO) while the cost of living is increasing on a daily basis.
Years Dedicated Employees have diligently worked through staffing shortages, training new employees, world pandemics, and the MANY, MANY CHANGES of Tanner policies and procedures. Now new employees are coming in with higher pay and a huge sign-on bonus while Dedicated Employees stay at the same low pay scale. What does this say to Dedicated Employees? We are not valued. Tanner may state they appreciate their Dedicated Employees, but “Action Speaks Louder Than Words.” Action needs to be taken to enforce a significant increase in compensation of Dedicated Employees just as the new hire pay has increased.
Dedicated Employees are Tanner!
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Carroll County
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Why people sign
Make your dedicated employees happy!! We’ve needed a cost of living raise for several years now. The market increased raises aren’t cutting it.
Nursing staff employed by Tanner should be paid a fair wage above those entering as new employees. Our nurses are excellent. I often hear from patients how their experience is enhanced because of the care they received from our nurses.
I have been with Tanner 9 of my 10 years of nursing. It’s disheartening when new nurses are coming in making almost what I make. There are nurses with 2-3 years experience making MORE money than me. I stay at Tanner because the relationship I have with my coworkers and physicians is wonderful. I just believe that if the new hire rate goes up “x” amount then there needs to be that pay increase across the board.
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I have been a dedicated employee of Tanner for almost 20 years. I have gotten numerous accolades (verbal ) throughout these year and would like Tanner to acknowledge my dedication to this company through thick and thin via at least a raise.