Terület: Rhode Island
A Save the Co-Op Preschool! petíció képe

Save the Co-Op Preschool!

A petíció címzettje
Rhode Island College Administration
0 Támogató

A petíció lezárult.

0 Támogató

A petíció lezárult.

  1. Indított október 2023
  2. A gyűjtés befejeződött
  3. Benyújtott
  4. Párbeszéd
  5. Befejeződött

By signing today you can help fix a mistake that should have never been made: allowing a federally funded program to be in the hands of college students without any political background. Student Community Government has decided to remove one of the most crucial pieces in student’s at Rhode Island College’s future and derail their education in the process. This decision will directly impact student success, test scores, student participation, and education rates all because administrators made an ill advised decision such as giving students control over a federally funded program that provides care to students children while they receive their education as well as work study students who need this for their future careers. We at the co-op are part of the Rhode Island College community and by removing the co-op they are erasing our sense of inclusion and a key part in our success within our academic journeys here at RIC via alienation.


Rhode Island College supposedly centers itself on community, inclusion, and equality yet by removing the Co-op it will entirely go against this and destroy any kind of future for parents who otherwise would not be able to attend any form of college level institution because of childcare conflicts. We have families who are going to be completely alienated from their prospective futures and careers because the closure will derail any sense of certainty regarding if they can make sure they can afford college, childcare, travel, food, and ensure their child is at a safe and respected pre-school environment where they themselves can contribute to not only their child's care but the other families children's care as well. Instead of making a final decision without proper evaluations Administrators and not students themselves should have met with the professionals that see to it that every RIC student's child is cared for as if they were at home and work tirelessly to do so to come up with future plans to implement. Instead, they just cut the program without any thought or care as to the financial and educational impacts it will have, especially on student enrollment and academic success because they are not administrators, they are unpolitically educated students themselves. RIC's co-op is not only an explementary school but an inspiration to the public as we show that with hard work and dedication from a community we can and will continue to fight for the education not only of mothers and fathers that attend this school but their young children. It is extremely hard to receive a high level from Rhode Island's Bright Stars evaluation yet we, with the help of work study students and parents alike have achieved that. We have work study students from all walks of life, some who have children themselves and chose RIC specifically because they knew this program existed. By removing the Co-Op, we are removing the security of our students knowing within this college there is and always will be a place for them and their children to learn and be heard.

Köszönjük a támogatást, Jianna Davis-Oke -ból Town of Providence
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