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Good Morning Families,
The Unified School District of Antigo has noticed more students being distracted by cell phones and other devices during critical learning time. As we continue to focus on high quality education we want you to be aware of our new cell phone/ Personal Communication Device (PCD) plan/expectations starting on April 1, 2024. Starting on April 1, all students will be expected to be cell phone, smartwatch, earbuds, or other personal communication device free from 7:45 am (start of the day) until 3:03 pm (end of the day)
If your child is seen with their phone, wireless earbuds, smartwatch, or other personal communication devices on them at any point throughout the day these steps will be implemented:
Step 1: Warning. This means the cell phone will be taken to the office for the day.
Step 2: The cell phone/PCD will be held in the office for 5 consecutive days (including overnight). It will be kept over the weekend if the 5 consecutive days fall during that time frame.
Step 3: Your child will be suspended for a day out of school and the cell phone/PCD will be taken for 5 consecutive days.
Step 4: Your son or daughter will learn virtually for 30 school days.
Please have a conversation with your child on these expectations and guidelines as they will be starting on April 1st. Your child may keep their device in their locker during the school day, but may not access it during the school day.
We appreciate your support in creating a safe and more effective learning environment for your child and every child in the Antigo School District.
They are trying to ban cellphones in classrooms, passing period and lunch during school hours. It's overall not gonna work well and cause problems for many students and family members involved.
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Changes to the petition
on 14 Mar 2024
No CONTRA argument yet.