Terület: Grafton megye
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Urge owner to nominate Carter Country Club to The NH State Register of Historic Places

A petíció címzettje
Interested parties
275 Támogató
55% elért 500 gyűjtési célhoz
275 Támogató
55% elért 500 gyűjtési célhoz
  1. Indított 2024.03.12.
  2. Gyűjtemény eddig > 4 hét
  3. Benyújtás
  4. Párbeszéd a címzettel
  5. Döntés

Elfogadom, hogy adataimat tárolja. Én döntöm el, hogy ki láthatja a támogatásomat. Ezt a hozzájárulást bármikor visszavonhatom .


This petition pertains to Carter Country Club, located at 257 Mechanic Street, Lebanon, New Hampshire, a vital part of the Lebanon community and its landscape. Designed by legendary golf course architect Donald Ross, Carter Country Club opened in 1923 and remains Ross’s only 9-hole course in New Hampshire. Now more than 100 years old, the 3,000-yard, par 36 layout offers spectacular playing conditions with four sets of tees to accommodate a wide range of golfers.


We the undersigned appeal to the Club’s owner, Doug Homan, to diligently pursue the nomination of Carter Country Club to The NH State Register of Historic Places, an honorary listing that encourages the protection of significant buildings, districts, sites, landscapes, structures, or objects that are meaningful in the history, architecture, archeology, engineering, or traditions of New Hampshire residents and communities.


According to the National Trust for Historic Preservation, when we lose such places, we lose a piece of who we are. We must act now to ensure that future generations can enjoy this cherished iconic recreational space. Please sign this petition to show your support for saving the Carter Country Club.


Carter Country Club has a historic and noteworthy story to tell, but the club is in jeopardy of being closed in order to make way for a mixed residential-retail complex that could include 400 apartments, 86 senior units, 60,000 square feet of retail space and a 300-seat restaurant.

Köszönjük a támogatást, Sandra Goodwin Fontana -ból Concord, NH
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2024. 03. 22. -on,-en,-ön,-án,-én

Carter is instrumental in connecting average golfers and friends to the love of the game and the community aspect that comes with smaller, less intimidating golf experiences for those of all ages. It serves as a great place to grow the game, to learn at all ages, and to offer a golfing experience that will keep people coming back for more.

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