13 signatures
Petition is addressed to: Mayor of York, Pennsylvania Michael Helfrich
York City wants to take away free parking after 5pm.
Taking away parking after 5pm puts a damper on locals that live in this community, has well as the people that come into the city to Work or Dine. With enough signatures perhaps we can combine them to voice and express how much we want to keep our free parking after 5pm. Regardless if you live in the city or just come to visit please consider signing, this is only going to get worse unless we do something about it Now.
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Why people sign
Usually the only businesses open after 5 are restaurants. It's absolutely ridiculous to have to pay to park to patronize a restaurant or to even just visit a friend.
If I would like to go to eat downtown, it can be expensive. Then to have to pay for parking also ridiculous.
Because I feel that it isn’t right that we would need to continue to put money in the meters after hours
Parking in the city is limited and would be a major inconvenience on people who work 1st jobs and need somewhere to keep their car when they are off work. This will lead to more tickets that people will struggle to pay resulting in more unnecessary disciplinary action on the working class.
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Because paying to park is ridiculous