119 signatures
Collection finished
Petition is addressed to: Jefferson County Planning & Zoning, BOCC
Jefferson County Planning & Zoning’s Comprehensive Master Plan (CMP) process both provides guidelines for development decision making in unincorporated areas and creates maps that identify land use recommendations for every parcel. Current mapping in the CMP’s Evergreen Area Plan (EAP) area for the El Rancho Activity Center (ERAC) shows several parcels with other existing zoning as “appropriate” for future commercial/industrial uses. This mapping is contradictory to the EAP, which explicitly recognizes existing commercial zoning as more than adequate to meet market demand and stipulates that no additional rezoning for commercial/light industrial uses should be necessary in the ERAC.
In recognition of existing surrounding land uses and community priorities articulated in the Evergreen Area Plan, this petition asks Jefferson County Planning & Zoning and the Board of County Commissioners to:
- limit commercial development in the El Rancho Activity Center to existing commercial zoning, centered on Highway 74 and excluding I-70 Exit 251
- withdraw residential and Community Use parcels from CMP mapping for future commercial use in the ERAC, and map Community Use in the ERAC
Please join your neighbors to support these changes to County planning. For full context, maps, and further explanation, visit this link:
The full text, along with this petition and its signatures and comments, will be delivered to Jefferson County Planning and Zoning and the Board of County Commissioners in February 2024 in the context of the present and ongoing Comprehensive Master Plan revision process (see https://togetherjeffco.com for more information about that initiative).
Thank you.
Existing Comprehensive Master Plan mapping has already drawn attention to the parcels of concern from would-be developers. This petition seeks to correct the discrepancy between the Evergreen Area Plan and CMP mapping by defining specific revisions and requesting that EAP guidelines take precedence. Historical master planning for commercial development has been reversed in the foothills I-70 corridor before. The reasons to do so at the ERAC warrant this attention for the benefit of current and future residents, our existing community investments, and the scenic and historical values of this area.
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Petition started:
Petition ends:
02/12/2024, 22:59 MST
United States of America
Changes to the petition
on 16 Jan 2024
Fire Dept already said there is not enough water for this development! We don't need what would be a 3rd hotel to complement Comfort Inn and newly approved Fairfield Inn by Home Depot. Leave the land alone!