Bölge : Blue Ridge

Urgent Action Needed to Address the Public Restroom Crisis in Blue Ridge

Dilekçe yönlendirildi
Blue Ridge City Council
116 Destekleyici
23% ulaştı 500 koleksiyon hedefi için
116 Destekleyici
23% ulaştı 500 koleksiyon hedefi için
  1. Başladı 14.03.2024
  2. Henüz koleksiyon > 5 hafta
  3. Gönderim
  4. Alıcı ile iletişim kutusu
  5. Karar

verilerimin olarak saklanacağını kabul ediyorum. Desteğimi kimin görebileceğine ben karar veririm. Bu onayı istediğim zaman iptal edebilirim .


The Blue Ridge Business Association is requesting your support to sign this petition to urge the Blue Ridge City Council to put a prioritization to address a serious public health issue facing our beautiful city. The shortage of public restrooms in our city is a serious issue and causes additional costs and liabilities for our local businesses. In addition, the image of Blue Ridge is tarnished by the overcrowding, limited ventilation and availability to our wonderful tourists supporting our local economy.

Please sign your support today!


A February 16, 2024, article from Medriva.com concluded the following:

The lack of adequate public restroom access in the U.S. is a serious public health issue that needs urgent addressing. It requires not only a change in societal attitudes and policies but also the active participation of individuals, communities, and businesses. By acknowledging the problem and taking proactive steps towards enhancing restroom infrastructure, we can ensure better health and quality of life for all.

Desteğiniz ve angajmanınız için çok teşekkür ediyoruz , Cesar Martinez itibaren Blue Ridge, GA
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Henüz LEHTE argüman yok.

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İnsanlar neden imzalar?

As a frequent visitor to Blue Ridge, I had experienced the restrooms downtown first hand. There is always a line for the ladies room during heavy tourist periods and a few times, one of the toilets or sinks have been out of order. For as many tourists and residents as Blue Ridge hosts annually, the public restroom facilities need to be more reliable, larger and update to newer/better functioning features.

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