
Monitor and manage Chelsea Meadow

Petition is addressed to
Louisville Gas & Electric, David Bramer (Jefferson County Commissioner)

109 signatures

Collection finished

109 signatures

Collection finished

  1. Launched October 2023
  2. Collection finished
  3. Prepare submission
  4. Dialog with recipient
  5. Decision

Petition is addressed to: Louisville Gas & Electric, David Bramer (Jefferson County Commissioner)

Chelsea Meadow is in a precarious state as it recovers from LG&E's irresponsible 2023 broadcast herbicide application. Going forward, it must be properly monitored and managed so that it can return to being one of the most important natural areas in the region. Invasive species and woody plants need to be selectively and responsibly managed according to environmental regulations and best practices in conservation. And sensitive plants and animals need to be protected from herbicides and heavy machinery, especially while the seed bank recovers.
It is essential to recognize that managing the right-of-way and keeping the ecosystem healthy are not conflicting goals.


Chelsea Meadow is an important and rare example of a wet sedge meadow in Southern Indiana. It is home to numerous rare or uncommon plants like Purple Fringeless Orchid, Wolf's Spikerush, Walter's Marsh St. John's Wort, and Steeplebush. It also likely has a population of endangered Kirtland's Snakes.
In 2023, LG&E's subcontractors sprayed the entire Meadow with herbicides, killing acres of native plants and providing an opportunity for exotic invasive plants like Carpetgrass and Purple Loosestrife to establish themselves.

Thank you for your support, Restore Chelsea Meadow from Lexington, Indiana
Question to the initiator

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Petition details

Petition started: 10/24/2023
Petition ends: 03/01/2024
Region: Jefferson County
Topic: Environment


  • Hi everyone!

    Just a quick note to let you know what we've been up to.

    We have over 100 signatures for our petition. We've been trying to find someone in Biodiversity, Sustainability, or Community Outreach at LG&E willing to actually do their job and meet with us regarding it. So far, no luck.

    If you have any contacts there, we'd love some help, because at this point, it seems like LG&E won't talk to someone unless they own them money.

    We stopped by the meadow a couple weeks ago and saw a new-to-us plant, the Lanceleaf Violet (Viola lanceolata). It likes these wet, sandy areas and is pretty uncommon in our part of Indiana. It's much easier to find up near Lake Michigan. We're glad that this population survived the spray.

    Thanks for... further

  • Welcome to 2024!

    on 15 Jan 2024

    Hi everyone and welcome to 2024!

    We wanted to send out a quick email thanking you for your support and letting you know about our plans for the new year.

    Before 2023, this utility right-of-way was revered by regional ecologists, but mostly unknown outside of that community. In the spring, it was broadcast-sprayed by LG&E, and the response was strong. This organization started up, named the Meadow, created social media accounts, a logo, merchandise, and a petition. We've regularly visited the meadow so that we can keep an eye on its restoration and reached out to local stakeholders to gain support. We have so much more passion, support and knowledge than we did a year ago.

    We plan on leading at least two hikes in Chelsea Meadow in 2024.... further

  • Hi everyone and welcome to 2024!

    We wanted to send out a quick email thanking you for your support and letting you know about our plans for the new year.

    Before 2023, this utility right-of-way was revered by regional ecologists, but mostly unknown outside of that community. In the spring, the meadow was broadcast-sprayed by LG&E, and the response was strong. This organization started up, named the meadow, created social media accounts, a logo, merchandise, and a petition. We've regularly visited the meadow so that we can keep an eye on its restoration and reached out to local stakeholders to gain support. We have so much more passion, support and knowledge than we did a year ago.

    We plan on leading at least two hikes in Chelsea Meadow... further

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